Exuding a heartbreaking melancholy, Janice's beauty could put any beholder through an inner dilemna : looking away from that almost-painful sight or get lost into the depth of those blue eyes?

The soft and wise-looking Canadian is represented by Lizbell Agency (which represents Amy Groves aswell), abroad by Ford Models Europe, and has already notched up one feature on
models.com and a fairly positive feedback from Paris. Here is a bit of a blurb published on her motheragency's blog :
It’s always exciting when the model is in the right place at the right time and that’s what Janice’s trip to Paris has been. The creatives she has done there show an amazing range and the response has been great. She is home for the summer but will be heading back to Paris for the fall.
When compared to loads of atypical-looking girls, Janice may not have the aesthetic it-factor that would make her particularly come off the crowd... Nevertheless, she undeniably has an uncanny, smart presence, and in that, she stands out. She doesn't captivate thanks to her features, but thanks to her
aura. Her eyes imply a lot without saying anything : as much as she could be define as forlorn-
looking, it's barely possible to guess what her sentiments truly
are when she looks straight into the camera.

I was sold to that diamond at first sight, whose beauty left me disarmed. I had nothing to do but let the fascination wash over me, and marvel at her snaps over and over... the best thing to do, when it comes to Janice. Pore over her portfolio, because it speaks for itself.
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